Run Alpha Refreshed Akron/Cleveland Area Training:
Running Alpha to effectively impact lives
Run Alpha Refreshed
The world arounds us is increasingly looking for hope! Run Alpha Refreshed focuses on the basics of running Alpha—with an emphasis and practical training on attracting more guests on your Alpha who are yet to discover the hope found in Jesus. First time running Alpha or seasoned veteran—join us and bring your entire team.
Visit our Alpha Online resource page here!
Date: Saturday, July 30th 2022
Time: 9AM-3PM EST
Location: Freshwater Community Church
590 Hartman Rd, Wadsworth, OH 44281
Registration begins at 8:30AM with the training starting promptly at 9AM. Light breakfast snacks and coffee will be served with a full lunch as a part of the Alpha overall experience. A limited number of resources will also be available. Cost is $20 per person (includes lunch and handout materials) with a group discount of $15 per person for groups of three or more.